
This web app is where you can experiment with JavaScript's built-in methods. I create custom code to help you understand how these methods work and how you can achieve similar results with your own logic.

Imagine you have a list of test scores, how would you find the highest test score from this list?

Built-in Method:

const testScores = [85, 78, 96, 89, 94, 91, 87, 90];
const highestScore = Math.max(...testScores);
//OutPut 96;

Custom Logic:

const testScores = [85, 78, 96, 89, 94, 91, 87, 90];
let highestScore = testScores[0];
for (let i = 1; i < testScores.length; i++) {
  if (highestScore < testScores[i]) {
    highestScore = testScores[i];
//OutPut 96;

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